2024 7月 新規入居者募集!
スペース:1F、 床面積6.3×9m2、壁面高さ2.25m。バックヤード6.3×2.7m2
2F、 4畳半、6畳、6畳+α
家賃:1スタジオ約6.9万円/月+光熱費 ※スタジオシェアメンバーで折半になります。
利用をご検討の方は inoav101@gmail.com (担当:IAVコーディネーター 飯野哲心)までご連
Call for new studio members (Ino Artist Village)
Ino Artist Village (IAV) is a joint studio opened in December 2007 in a renovated shopping centre
(7 units) in Toride City's Ino Danchi in collaboration with Tokyo University of the Arts and Toride
City and with the cooperation of UR Urban Renaissance Agency.
The aim is to support creative activities by providing young, ambitious artists with a low-cost
place to work, to promote exchange between artists, and to revitalise local culture.
IAV website http://inoav.org/iav/
IAV is currently accepting applications for new menmbers of its 103 studios.
Location: 7 minutes by bus or 15 minutes walk from Toride Station on the JR Joban Line.
Space: 1F, floor area 6.3 x 9 m2, wall height 2.25 m. Back yard 6.3 x 2.7 m2.
2F, 4.5 x 4.5 m, 6 x 6 m, 6 x 6 m + α
Rent: 1 studio approx. 69,000 yen/month + utilities *Rent will be split between studio-sharing members.
Includes use of shared studio space in Room 101 (panel saw, band saw, drilling machine,
circular saw and other tools).
Infrastructure: Internet (Wi-Fi), water, electricity.
Convenience store nearby.
Requirements: 3rd year undergraduate students and above; preference given to postgraduate students (regardless of nationality).
*You cannot live in the studio.
*The studio is to be shared by two or more people.
A tour of the IAV is scheduled for Saturday 13 July at 14:00.
If you are interested in using the studio, please contact inoav101@gmail.com (contact: Tesshin Iino, IAV coordinator).
When contacting us, please include your name, department, year of study, contact details, SNS
or web address where we can see your work, or a simple PDF attachment of your portfolio.
You can apply as a single person or as a group.
We look forward to receiving your application.